Honeydew is a global network of eco-communities – a collaborative initiative to create a sustainable future. We emphasise collective resilience and communal creativity, as an antidote to isolating individualism. Honeydew seeks to blend the best of modernity with tradition: cosmopolitan in culture and local in nature, reconnecting us with the earth and with each other. Our intergenerational communities provide a space for sharing, healing, and mutual care.

A radical, sustainable alternative

  • Communal living in a state of natural abundance.

  • A cooperative model that harnesses the talents of all its members in a nourishing ecosystem.

  • A focus on creative cooperation rather than competition. Experimenting with new social models in a democratic spirit.

  • A network of globally-interconnected communities sharing resources, knowledge, and personnel. A collaborative culture that crosses borders.

Our Vision

Honeydew 2023

What a year it was...

A Substack article reflecting on our inaugural year.

Horizons offer only a glimpse of possibilities, and at Honeydew, the landscape never ceases to surprise us. When we arrived on site in late February — deep in snow — we could not have foreseen what an incredible year it would be. 2023 surpassed all our expectations, and challenged us to grow further & faster than we could have imagined…

Benjamin Ramm, Founder of Honeydew Community

“The flower of community comes from the earth, and at Honeydew, we live a more active, grounded life, avoiding the online culture of silos and slogans. At the core of our outlook is gratitude: for fresh, abundant food; for a cosmopolitan community rooted in local traditions; for the dazzling, star-filled night sky; for clean air and pure water; for low noise and light pollution; for a space to co-create and reimagine our own kind of society.”

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– Coleridge, ‘Kubla Khan’